Πέμπτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Life goals, resolution and Valentines realizations

Its Valentines day , I am home alone and tomorrow am taking my first semesters results.
On top of that my chocolate consumption has started leaving its sweet bitter affects behind.
This is how i ended up here. Writing at my new years resolution blog while trying to understand how everything ended up as it did, when at the start all seamed so easy.
At every start the road to success, to achieving your dream, seams pretty straight forward.
But then little by little everything gets harder as obstacles appear out of nowhere (promises, dilemmas, critics) and the road gets harder and harder to cross.
Why does this always happen.
Is it because we forget our "great causes" or are we simply incapable of having long term Resolution.
I think its due to the first one. Time passes and we forget how much some things used to matter to us. We are Just. to busy living the moment until its too late and the opportunity passes or something makes us remember (a friend, a Day , a picture) that there was something we told ourselves we will accomplish.
Then we start over again, dedicating ourselves once more to the goal until we succeed or forget about it again.
So how do you keep yourself focused to the target and avoid this never ending circle?
For me the solutions is one. Putting reminders at the places i would not expect to see any. Whether this means writing a reminder for my future me and putting then to my calendar to a day, weeks ahead or arranging to do things that i know will make me remember what i am working towards. But this is something everyone must find on his own as the process helps you learn about yourself and boost up your confidence.
That's all from me ,  wish me good luck for my results.
Thank you for visiting my blog and i if you like comment,  your feedback is more than welcome.
More posts are coming.

Πέμπτη 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

An ever typical long life lesson learned

I don't know how i got to this place. I always thought that my debut as a blogger would be more...sparkly or at least more organized and to be honest, it would have been.
 You see i had everything figured out. When the first blog would be posted what the subject would be even  the title i was going to use but then ; i got cold feet.
 I started saying to myself that it's not worth taking the risk and opening up yourself when you can't know the outcome and this is how the weeks passed and i forgot all about blogging  until i got bored and sad [I don't know exactly which one contributed the most on me being here and writing but i will go with the fact that i was bored] .
And so this is how i got here, siting in the middle of the night thinking about the meaning of friends and life and success on a business level.
You see until now i thought that the only thing a person needs to feel good is success on one sector of his life and after he had that, he could start thinking about everything else. Unfortunately the last couple of hours have managed to prove me wrong.
Now how did i come to this conclusion ?
It all started when today for the first time in my life  i managed to have full success on the friends level of life. Once i did that  i thought that i would feel happy and all my problems and pains would just go away but they  didn't. Despite the fact that i had all my friends close by and we were talking and being honest to each other i still didn't feel happy.To be precise a part of me did feel happy but another part was anxious and on the edge thinking about the coming exams period and about everything i said to myself that i will do but i didn't
That moment it started to make sense.
We are not complex only at a biological level but at a psychological one too. In order to feel "complete" we need more than to be safe or to have food, we also need to fill successful in life and this will not happen by focusing only on one thing and forgetting about all the others.
So to end, to all of you who are still reading this , i just want to say that being stuck up to one goal and sacrificing every other part of life in order to achieve it isn't worth it, cause when you do there is a big chance you won't feel as happy and complete as you thought you would.

PS.If you are wondering why did i use this picture it's because i like it so much ^_^